I am a professional tech entrepreneur, designer, developer, web engineer and author. But, beside all those designations, I am more of a "Life Long Learner" or "The Searcher" as I constantly study, research on design and various web technology related topics. My top interest relating to my profession includes as follows: >> Visual Design (Graphic, UI, UX) >> Brand Development and Corporate Identity design >> HTML5 web & Mobile Apps development >> Web apps performance optimization >> Website security and anti-hacking protocol >> Cloud Architecture and deployment >> Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) implementation and deployment >> Social media and communication I started my career on 2008 without any computer science & eng. degree and academic design background. By the years of practice, I mastered the rules and theories of visual design, grab the core of Comp. Sc & Eng and eventually programming. I am continuously studying and learning to stay at the top of my professionalism. My future goal is to establish myself as a successful tech entrepreneur and open a way for Bangladeshi people earning online by providing educational and training materials probably a very low to zero cost.


11 বছর 4 মাস






সবচেয়ে জোসস টিউনস

কোন টিউন পাওয়া যায় নি

সকল টিউনস পাতা - 1

13 টিউমেন্ট 22.6 K দেখা জোসস

3 টিউমেন্ট 4 K দেখা জোসস

10 টিউমেন্ট 6 K দেখা জোসস

23 টিউমেন্ট 7.2 K দেখা জোসস

28 টিউমেন্ট 8.2 K দেখা জোসস

65 টিউমেন্ট 10.8 K দেখা জোসস